- Access to full Members Directory
- Access to exclusive Members-Only website
- Monthly / quarterly market reports
- Legislation updates
- Right to attend BIR conventions
Fees for new company membership applications - depending on period of
subscription. Please note that BIR does NOT work on a pro-rata basis.
Fees are due in January of each
If you apply in
January - MayValid until December current year |
If you apply in
June - OctoberValid until December current year |
If you apply in
November - DecemberValid until December next year |
Ordinary Member Company | €2300 | €1150 | €2300 |
Gold Member Company | €2750 | €1375 | €2750 |
Subsidiary of Member Company | €1200 | €600 | €1200 |
Member Federation | €1800 per division | €900 per division | €1800 per division |
Subsidiary of Member Federation | €1200 per division | €600 per division | €1200 per division |
Membership Categories
Fees for new company membership applications - depending on period of subscription. Please note that BIR does NOT work on a pro-rata basis.
- Access to full Members Directory
- Access to exclusive Members-Only website
- Monthly / quarterly market reports
- Legislation updates
- Right to attend BIR conventions
- Reduced convention registration rates
- Access to the Gold Member Lounge
- Free mono logo in the BIR Membership Directory
- Free use of BIR Secretariat meeting rooms and office support in Brussels
- The company must be part of a group of companies and its “primary contact” must be a full-paying BIR member company.
- Reduced membership fee. All other benefits (Ordinary Member or Gold Member) are the same as those of the “BIR Primary Contact Company”.
Gold member
Reduced registration fee
Reduced registration fee at BIR conventions
Access to the Gold Member Lounge
BIR offers to its Gold member delegates access to Gold member lounges at each conventions where they can gather, make business sitting confortably and having nice coffee or where they can just relax and take advantage of the secretarial services at their disposal.
Logo in the BIR Membership Directory
Visible mono logo in the hard copy version of the Members Directory.
Ordinary member
Access to full Members Directory
BIR provides its members with a worldwide network of business contacts. This Directory gives access to all BIR members who are: national recycling federations of main industrialised countries,major processors, merchants and traders of secondary raw materials worldwide, consumers of secondary raw materials, companies which provide processing machinery and ancillary services to the recycling industry, other commercial companies, associations, federations or public authorities with an interest in international recycling, specialized press.
Legislation updates
BIR promotes free trade of secondary raw materials and the increased use of recycled materials throughout the world, thus contributing to environmental protection. BIR develops public awareness of the economic and environmental contributions of its members in liaison with the United Nations, OECD, European Union and other national and supranational bodies.
BIR conventions at special rates
As a trade organisation, BIR offers its members the opportunity to do business together, to learn the latest market developments, to know the best available recycling technologies and to be informed on the international legislative context. Twice a year, BIR organises international recycling conventions, which each time take place in a different country or part of the world, and which are attended by between 800 and 1200 delegates from the 70 BIR members countries.
Access to exclusive Members-Only website
BIR compiles a wealth of highly relevant information exclusively for its members.
Monthly / quarterly market reports
BIR builds a unique forum for the exchange of commercial, technical, economic and environmental information relating to recycling.
About Us
BIR is a global recycling industry association representing around 750 companies and 35 national recycling associations from 70 different countries.
Useful Links
Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date!
Our Contacts
24 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt
1050 Brussels
+32 (0) 26 27 57 70
+32 (0) 26 27 57 73